Chaturbate Affiliates: Link To Model Profile / Chat Room


Chaturbate Affiliate Program: Deeplinking To Model Pages

It seems that most the internet doesn’t know that you can use affiliate links to link to individual model profiles / chat rooms through the Chaturbate affiliate program. In fact, I’ve seen it posted on camming forums and internet monetization forums that you can’t! These guys are wrong and it is possible to link to a specific model chat room. You can even select whether you want revshare or PPL. Here’s how.


Step 1: Register For The Chaturbate Affiliate Program

If you’re not already an affiliate (which I’m assuming you are because you’re reading this article) register here. Chaturbate is my favorite camming affiliate program and has generated me more revenue than any other adult affiliate program. If you’re not already an affiliate, I highly recommend it. If you’re still in the researching phase, check out all the Chaturbate affiliate program features and promotional tools.


Step 2: Find The Model On Chaturbate

Next, you’re going to have to find the model that you want to link to. Find the desired model and on their profile / chat room there will be a tab; ‘Share and Earn‘. This is what we’re after, but we’re not going to use the link they offer. Instead we’re going to change it to the link to the specific program we want (I’d recommend revshare but you can do PPL too)


Step 3: Configuring The Linking Code

Now you’ll need to go into the Chaturbate affiliate area. Under linking codes, you’ll find ‘Your Chat Room (even if offline)‘. Notice that your username (room=yourusername) is appended on the link. Simply replace your room with ‘room=ModelYouWantToLinkTo‘, as found in theĀ Share and Earn on the step above.

You can do this with revshare, PPL or earning tokens, which I don’t know why anyone would select that program. The end result is something like this:

The above link is a revshare affiliate link built the same way outlined above. Click it and check it out. Millie Martins is insanely hot too. Follow her and give her some love.


Alternative: Link To Bio Page On Chaturbate Whitelabel

In addition to using the above strategy for linking to specific models on Chaturbate, it’s also possible to link to any page on a Chaturbate whitelabel. Since you’re automatically getting a revenue share on all purchases that occur on the whitelabel, you don’t have to be concerned about getting the affiliate link parameters right.

In addition to driving traffic to the whitelabel, this also doubles as linkbuilding and will help with the SEO of your whitelabeled version. I personally think the Chaturbate whitelabel is garbage and would prefer any other camming whitelabel program over them, but it’s a solid way to do deeplinking with the Chaturbate affiliate program.